Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Mixed Bag of QC Live Music

A mid-week show with a new face, an opportunity to exercise my voice, musicians playing for tips in the cold, grunge rock and a rockin’ blues show. It was quite a week!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blarney in the QC and 2 Busy Nights for Rascals

I guess the title gives it away, but I spent more time at Rascals Live this weekend than I spent there in the last month. But in between my visits to Rascals, I managed to catch a parade and one St. Pat’s party. But first there was Thursday night. And that means there’s a jam or two in the mix.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Good Intentions and Pleasant Surprises

Sometimes even the best intentions get put aside – and everything works out just fine. This week was one such time. I fully intended to limit my activities this week, but a turn of events found me out very late Thursday.  Friday morning I thought maybe I should take it easy Friday night because of my late night Thursday and my planned very late night Saturday. Friday night turned out to be an even later night. Sunday was definitely a day of rest! The good news from the weekend is that I have plenty of live music to talk about.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

No Reason for Cabin Fever - Live Music Every Day

It was a musical week in my world. Usually, I’m out on the weekend, with the occasional Thursday evening. However, good music doesn’t just happen on the weekend in the Quad-cities. Often it happens in the middle of the week too. In fact, you can pretty much find music happening somewhere every night of the week.  One thing led to another this week, and I found myself short on sleep but deep in music…